Halfmoon Black Copper Betta Fish

Introduction to Halfmoon Black Copper Betta Fish

The Halfmoon black copper betta is a beautiful and popular variety of betta fish. As their name suggests, they have large, 180-degree half-moon tails and a stunning black copper coloration.

Description and Origins

Halfmoon bettas are named for their large, showy caudal fins that can spread 180 degrees across when fully flared. They have been selectively bred to achieve this desired tail type that is highly prized among betta enthusiasts.

The black copper coloration features a jet-black base layer with a metallic sheen of copper, bronze, or gold on top. Through dedicated breeding programs, strains of Halfmoon bettas have been developed that exhibit strong and consistent black copper traits.

Appearance and Colors

In addition to their sweeping 180-degree half-moon tails, Halfmoon black copper bettas have a solid black base color with a rich coppery sheen. The copper layer can range from a bright reddish hue to more subdued bronze and gold tones.

These fish often have black or dark heads and fins other than the caudal fin. The contrast of the dark bodies against the metallic sheen of the caudal fin is stunning. Well-bred specimens will have consistent, dense copper scaling over half of the tail.

Genetics and Breeding

Producing quality Halfmoon black copper betta fish requires carefully planned breeding selecting fish that strongly and consistently exhibit the desired color and finnage traits.

The Halfmoon shape is achieved through selecting breeding stock with the largest possible caudal spreads. The black copper coloration results from a layered gene effect. The underlying black color must be very dark and solid, with the metallic copper gene layered on top. Consistently producing fish with clean boundaries between black and copper areas takes generations of selective breeding.

Caring for Halfmoon Black Copper Bettas

Halfmoon black copper betta fish require similar care as other betta varieties. However, their long-flowing fins call for some specialized housing and care.

Tank Size and Setup

These fish should be kept in at least a 5-gallon tank, as larger tanks help dilute waste and are easier to heat and filter properly. For halfmoon bettas, rectangular tanks are better than tall, narrow designs.

Have either gentle filtration, live plants, or both to aid water quality. Also, be sure to include plenty of resting spots near the top with broad silk or live plants to prevent weighing down those long tails.

Water Conditions

Warm, clean water is essential. Temperatures between 75-82°F and frequent partial water changes are recommended to maintain water quality. Use an adjustable heater and thermometer to monitor temperature.


Halfmoon black copper bettas thrive best on a varied diet of high-quality pellets and treats like frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp. Offer feedings once or twice daily, providing only what they can eat within a few minutes.

Tank Mates

Male halfmoon bettas should be housed alone. Females and short-finned varieties can sometimes cohabitate in sororities or community tanks when provided enough space. Even still, tank mates should be selected carefully and added gradually to avoid stress or aggression.

Good tank mate options include small rasboras, tetras, cory catfish, snails, and shrimp. Avoid putting bettas with aggressive fish like tiger barbs that may nip fins.

Common Health Issues for Halfmoons

Their long fins make Halfmoon black copper bettas prone to some fin issues to watch for. Stay alert for signs of the following common health problems:

Fin Rot

Bacteria or fungi infect the fins, causing fraying, white streaks, or black-edged rotting. Improve water quality and treat with antibiotics or antifungal remedies. Remove carbon filters during treatment.

Velvet Disease

A yellow-gold dusty appearance on the body and fins signals this parasitic infection. Treat with copper-safe medications and aquarium salt.


Abnormal bloating signaling kidney problems. Fish may also clamp fins and struggle swimming. Improve water quality and feed peas if constipation-related. Antibiotics may sometimes help, but often difficult to cure.


Swollen appearance and trouble swimming or staying upright. Feed thawed frozen peas without skin and improve water changes. Seek vet care if chronic.

Buying and Breeding Halfmoon Black Copper Bettas

Where to Buy

Seek out reputable specialty aquarium stores or betta breeders when buying Halfmoon black copper bettas. Avoid large chain stores where fish are often mass-produced and low quality.

When selecting fish, pick active, alert individuals displaying vibrant coloration and optimal finnage characteristics. The most metallic sheen covering over half the caudal fin is ideal.

Setting Up a Breeding Tank

Those interested in breeding Halfmoon black copper bettas will need to set up a specialized breeding tank. This includes an adjustable heater to maintain 82-86°F water, a sponge filter, plenty of plants, and Indian almond leaves.

Condition breeding fish separately for 2-4 weeks feeding frequent small meals of live foods. Introduce the pair and watch behavior closely to prevent aggression.

Spawning Behavior

If ready, the male will begin bubble nest construction while courting the female. After spawning vertically, embrace the female to collect and fertilize several hundred eggs over 1-2 days before being removed back to her tank.

Raising Fry

The male will tend the fertilized eggs in the bubble nest for 24-36 hours until hatching, then keep guard over the tiny fry for several days after they become free-swimming. During this time feed infusoria-rich water or specially prepared fry foods 3-5 times daily.


With their regal Halfmoon fins boasting jet black and copper hues, the Halfmoon black copper betta is prized by aquarists. Though requiring more specialized care and housing than simpler short-finned varieties, their beauty, and personality make the added effort worthwhile for devotees. Those willing to invest in optimal breeding setups may also find these fish an interesting challenge from which to further develop exquisite show-quality lines.


How big do Halfmoon black copper bettas get?

Most reach 2-3 inches in length when fully grown, with males generally staying smaller than females. Their long tails may spread 4 inches tip to tip.

What causes a halfmoon betta’s fins to droop?

This can result from old age, poor water quality, illness, stress, or very heavy fins. Ensure clean, warm water and provide broad-leafed plants for resting near the surface.

Why are my black copper betta’s colors fading?

Fading coloration often signals stress or illness. Review housing, water quality, feeding, tank mates, and test for disease. Improve conditions and the vivid hues should return.

Can I keep a halfmoon betta in a small bowl?

No, halfmoon bettas need at least a heated and filtered 5-gallon tank with resting spots to support their long heavy fins. Small unfiltered bowls easily allow waste buildup that damages delicate fins.

How can you tell a high-quality Halfmoon black copper betta?

The best specimens have inky black bodies contrasting with bright, metallic copper scaling over half the 180-degree caudal fin. Fins should be symmetrical and free of defects. Seek active, alert fish displaying full finnage.

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