White betta fish care for beginners 2024

White Betta Fish Care


Hello friends, my name is Kerry, as you already know, today I am discussing an interesting topic – white betta fish care for Beginners. Apart from this we also know about their health issues, prices, feed, and lifespan.

White betta fish have become increasingly popular over recent years due to their beautiful bright white coloration. While their striking appearance may draw you in initially, white bettas require specific care to remain healthy and thrive. By understanding their needs for housing, feeding, water quality, and more, you can help your white betta live a long, vibrant life.

White Betta Fish Overview

Defining White Bettas

White bettas feature an almost completely white body coloration, often with slight secondary hues like yellow or blue tints on their fins. The white color is achieved through selective breeding practices over many generations. Most white bettas available today exhibit the vibrant white coloration seen in plakat betta tail types.

Their unique color is created by a layer of white opaque scales covering the skin, which blocks the color pigments beneath from showing through. However, white bettas may change color as they age, losing opacity in their scales to reveal more of their underlying colors.

Appearance and Markings

In addition to their namesake white bodies, white bettas often showcase beautiful colored fins in red, yellow, orange, blue, and more. Their tail and fin types can vary as well, with veil tails and plackets being common.

White bettas may display slight flecks or spots of color across their bodies too, but a quality white betta should mostly maintain a bright uniform white coloring across the body and head into adulthood.

Behavior and Personality

Like all betta fish, white bettas are known to be active, curious fish that interact well with their owners. They showcase all the charismatic behaviors people love in bettas, including flaring gills, building bubble nests, and eagerly greeting their owners when you approach the tank.

White bettas have a generally peaceful demeanor and make ideal centerpiece fish for nano aquariums and betta tanks. However, male white bettas should not be housed together due to their aggressive territorial instincts.

White Betta fish lifespan in tank

Tank Size Requirements

White bettas require an absolute minimum tank size of 5 gallons. However, an ideal home is a 10-gallon or larger tank, which offers ample horizontal swimming space. Make sure not to overload the tank with too many decorations, as white bettas prefer open areas to swim and explore.

Water Temperature

White bettas thrive best in warm tropical water temperatures between 75°F and 82°F. Use a reliable heater and thermometer to maintain a steady temperature. Rapid temperature fluctuations can shock or stress white bettas, compromising their health.

pH Levels

Aim to keep pH in the tank around 6.5 to 7.5, as this neutral level mirrors white bettas’ natural habitat conditions. Test pH routinely and adjust as needed with products that alter water alkalinity. An abrupt pH shift outside the ideal range can harm white bettas.

Decorations and Plants

Incorporate plenty of soft silk plants and decor in the tank to mimic the natural vegetation of white bettas’ native rice paddy habitats. Ensure decor has no sharp edges or parts that could tear flowing fins and tails. White bettas also appreciate shaded, darker rest areas to retreat to when they desire. Floating plants help provide this reprieve from light.

White Betta Fish- Feed

White Betta Fish

Diet and Nutrition

White bettas thrive best on a carnivorous diet rich in protein from foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, and high-quality betta pellet mixes. Offer feedings 2-3 times per day, providing only enough food to be fully consumed in 2-3 minutes before removing uneaten portions.

Amount and Frequency

Feed adult white bettas their aforesaid protein-rich foods in the amount that they can fully consume within 2-3 minutes, 1-3 times daily. Juvenile white bettas need more frequent small feedings 4-6 times daily as they grow. Adjust feeding schedules based on individual fish behavior.


Supplementing feedings with freeze-dried or live treats like brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and daphnia helps provide added variety and micronutrients—alternate treat feedings with regular protein and pellet feedings for ideal nutrition.

White Betta Fish- Health

Common Illnesses

White bettas are predisposed to common betta maladies like fin rot, eye cloudiness, constipation, and parasitism from the introduction of new tankmates. Maintain pristine water conditions and quarantine new additions to protect white betta health. Rapidly identify and treat any signs of disease.

Preventing Disease

Prevent white betta sickness by performing partial water changes twice weekly, avoiding overcrowding, not overfeeding, quarantining new fish, and providing suitable habitat enrichment. Test water parameters routinely and correct any suboptimal conditions immediately.

Signs of Sickness

Be vigilant of any behavioral shifts like lethargy, loss of appetite, or hanging near the water surface, as these signal poor health. Inspect white bettas closely for physical symptoms too – clamped fins, velvet-like dusting, white stringy feces, and streaks of blood warrant further diagnosis.

Treating Health Issues

Diagnose the specific condition through research and veterinary guidance, then obtain appropriate treatments. Quarantine and monitor water quality diligently while nursing white bettas back to full strength. Remove aggressive medicines through water changes before reintroducing white bettas into the main tank after treatment.

Breeding White Betta fish

Identifying a Breeding Pair

Select a robust, active male white betta along with a female boasting prominent breeding stripes. Condition the pair by feeding high protein foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms over several weeks before attempting to breed them.

Setting Up the Breeding Tank

House the white betta pair alone in an adequately sized (10+ gallon), planted breeding tank kept at 82-86°F. Use peat filtration, plenty of hides, and dim lighting to mimic natural spawning conditions. Introduce the female first, then the male soon after.

Spawning Process

If ready, the male will begin constructing a large bubble nest as courtship overtures intensify over 1-2 days. After ample courtship chasing, the pair will assume a nuptial embrace to fertilize released eggs, which are retrieved and placed in the bubble nest by the male. This ritual is repeated in cycles for up to an hour, generating 50-100+ fertilized eggs.

Caring for Fry

Remove adults promptly after spawning concludes to avoid them consuming sensitive eggs and fry during early development. Maintain warm, clean water and feed newly free swimming fry small live foods like infusoria, microforms, and vinegar eels across 8-12 weeks until large enough for brine shrimp and pellets.

White Betta Fish price

Finding Reputable Sellers

Always obtain white bettas from trusted breeders boasting generations of experience perfecting betta color lines. Local aquarium stores specializing in bettas may carry quality stock too. Review seller feedback ratings and ask to see parent stock if possible.

Inspecting Fish Before Purchase

When selecting white bettas, inspect that they exhibit no signs of illness – fully spread fins, clear eyes, healthy complete scales, and active alert behaviors. Ensure the white body coloration appears bright, without odd markings or excessive flecks of other colors.

Acclimating New Bettas

Allow bagged white bettas to adjust to the temperature of their new home by floating bags for 30 minutes before release. Mix small amounts of tank water into the bag gradually over an hour. Then gently scoop white bettas out into a net and release them into the prepared, cycled tank. Turn off tank lights to further reduce stress.


In White Betta Fish price conclusion, The brilliant white coloration of this betta variety provides an eye-catching addition to nano tanks and betta setups. While visually appealing, white bettas do require attentive care and maintenance to thrive long-term.

By sticking to the best practices covered here for housing, feeding, and health management, white betta owners can enjoy the full lifespans and personalities of these fantastic fish. Reach out with any other questions on properly caring for white bettas!


1. How long do white bettas live?

With proper care, white bettas typically enjoy lifespans averaging 3-5 years. Some may even exceed 5 years in optimal tank environments.

2. How much are white bettas?

As a rare color variation achieved through selective breeding, white bettas are more expensive, often selling for $30-$60 depending on age, finnage, markings, and breeder reputation. Some rarer varieties with metallic sheens or unique patterns sell for over $100.

3. What tank size for white bettas?

White bettas require a bare minimum tank size of 5 gallons but will thrive better in larger 8-10+ gallon aquariums offering more horizontal swimming room to mirror their native habitats.

4. Do white bettas change color?

White betta fish may shift to exhibit more yellow, blue, or red hues in their fins and bodies as they age over 2-3 years. Their opaque body scales can lose density with time as well, causing underlying colors to show through more.

5. Why did my white betta die suddenly?

Sudden white betta death often results from rapid shifts in water parameters like pH, nutrients, and temperature due to tank equipment failure or water quality issues. Be sure to test parameters routinely and perform partial water changes twice weekly to sustain a healthy stable environment.

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